The "Why" behind "FLY"
I think at some point we all think about what it would be like to fly. I’ve been asked before, “If you could have any super power what...

Part 3: YOU ~ Can Make A Difference!
Around 500 BC, The Greek Philosopher Heraclitus, was quoted as saying, “The only thing constant is change.” The FLY Movement (circa 2016)...

Injuries. The journey of acceptance.
While an injury used to feel like a life-ending event to me, I’m wondering if my personal growth and renewed perspective has helped me...

Part 2: LOVE...Yourself Just the Way You Are
This can be tough; especially because we are given thousands of daily messages about how being ourselves is not good enough. Theodore...

Part 1: FUEL – Your Mind, Body and Soul
Do you find it strange that in writing about fuel, body isn’t listed first? While fuel is typically thought of as a substance to make...